Med Spa Blog Connecticut
Lasers and Fillers Can Restore Your Hands, Creams Will Nourish Them
Published on May 17, 2012 by
Rule #1: Protect your hands from the sun. Do you still recognize your hands? If the answer is “yes,” you probably have not hit your middle fifties. Hands that have done dishes, changed diapers, scrubbed bathtubs, gardened and gripped the steering wheel in the noonday sun are likely to be paper dry, wrinkly, veiny and spotty. For all that good work, you deserve a reward. Instead, you have hands that give away your age. No good deed goes unpunished. After constant hand washing while tending a sick husband, a 52-year-old reporter was horrified by the appearance of her hands. Over a six-month period she tried in-office and home treatments, targeting […]
Filed under: Connecticut, anti-aging, Med spa, yolo, laser center, Guilford, injectiables