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Med Spa Blog Connecticut

Flexible Spending Account

Flexible Spending Accounts-End of the Year Approaching

If you have a Flexible Spending Account and you have a balance to use by the end of the year, Massage is now a covered expense. Other covered services and products include Acne Laser Therapy, cold sore and acne medications. Refer to the plans guidelines, as you may need a prescription (even for over the counter products) for them to be covered, however using your FSA can save individuals money. Call and schedule your appointment today. Read More

How To Treat Acne Scarring

HOW TO TREAT ACNE SCARRING 40-50 Million Americans suffer from acne, of those a large percentage may end up with scars as a result. “In our Cosmetic Practice a large majority of our consultations are related to acne scarring on the face, chest, and back, states Nikki Rasmussen, RN/aesthetic laser specialist.” Acne sufferers are very self conscious regarding their breakouts and if they are fortunate enough to resolve their acne; some are left with scars that continue to affect their self esteem. Acne scarring is often two distinct types; the first being depressions in the skin that can be shallow or “ice-pick” scars, the second results in discoloration of the […] Read More

Aging women over 50

Recent Study Shows That the Majority Of Women Over 50 Concerned About Their Skin

RECENT STUDY SHOWS THAT THE MAJORITY OF WOMEN OVER 50 CONCERNED ABOUT THEIR SKIN A new study of U.S. women ages 50 and older examines the 12.2 percent who say they are satisfied with their body size to unlock the secrets of body satisfaction. The study, published online Oct. 11, 2013 by the Journal of Women & Aging was trying to unlock the secrets of body satisfaction. What researchers found is that even in the small percentage of women who were satisfied with their body, the women were found to rate their skin as one of the main aspects of their appearance that they were dissatisfied with. Why are so […] Read More

bird poop facial

Bird Poop Facial?

As a Spa offering Cosmetic Surgery, we commonly get asked what we think about the latest trends. Recently a client asked what I thought about the Bird Poop or “Geisha facials” that are now the new craze. I investigated and had to ask, would you have dried Nightingale poop mixed with rice bran applied to your face for $180 a pop, or better yet “poop”? One New York Spa owner is offering just that. About 100 women and men go into the Shizuka New York skin care salon, just off Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue, each month to get the treatment, which is promoted as a way to keep the face soft […] Read More

Voluma Guilford CT


The First and Only Approved Filler in the US to Correct Volume Loss in the Cheeks Allergan, Inc. announced today that they have received approval from the FDA to market Juvederm Voluma, the first and only filler approved to temporarily correct volume loss in the cheek area. Voluma helps create a more youthful appearance with natural, long-lasting results. As we age our cheek area tends to lose volume, causing our skin to sag or droop. Juvederm Voluma can reverse this process by correcting volume loss and creating a more youthful appearance to the face. “I’m so excited to introduce this filler in to our client’s says Nikki Rasmussen, RN and […] Read More

Winner of Best Med Spa Guilford Connecticut

We are proud and honored to be voted Best Med Spa in the Shoreline Reader’s Poll. We specialize in the most current anti-aging cosmetic procedures. From Vaser Liposuction, Botox, Dermal Fillers, Laser Hair Removal and Eye Rejuvenation performed in our relaxing spa setting. Locally owned and operated by Medical Professionals we offer the latest surgical and non surgical procedures to keep you looking and feeling your best. Call to schedule a skin analysis. Visit yolomedspa.com to learn more about our services. Thank you shoreline community for taking the time to Vote! Read More

smoker twin 1

Can you guess which twin smokes?

A recent study of twins illustrates how smoking ages the face. Smokers are likely to get bags under their eyes and wrinkles around their lips earlier than non-smokers, according to a new study of identical twins. Judges who didn’t know which twin smoked said the smoker looked older 57 percent of the time. That pattern held when both twins were smokers but one had smoked for many years longer than the other. “Smoking makes you look old. That’s all there is to it,” Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi said. “At Yolo the most common complaint we hear related to smoking is lip lines and overall dullness of the skin. We have a […] Read More


Good news for greater New Haven, . residents who want to eliminate wrinkles, but are afraid of needles. Researchers are testing gel formulations of botulin toxin type A. It can be applied topically and the name of this product is RT001. The results of a 2012 study in California show that up to 89 percent of 553 patients experienced improvement in their crow’s feet wrinkles with no significant side effects. Detailed information about other types of topical wrinkle solutions are below: Topical Botulinum Toxin relaxes facial muscles by blocking the release of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. A doctor applies it directly to the skin and then wipes it off after […] Read More


Bank your Botox and Save!

Same Great Service, Same Great Product LOWER PRICE! Take advantage of our Bank your BOTOX® Event and Save $400 or more! Here is what you have to do: 1) Be one of the 15 clients to Call 2) Purchase 100 units or more of Botox We do the rest! Bank your Botox does not expire AND you receive Brilliant Distintions Points towards Allergans other great products such as Juvederm or Latisse. See why our award winning medical spa delivers the BEST results! Read More



A story recently posted on YahooLifestyleUK highlights a new treatment alternative to Botox dubbed “Frotox.” In the past,Jennifer Aniston, Sharon Osbourne and Nicole Kidman are just some of the stars that have admitted to Botox, but now there’s a new anti-ageing system on the market they might want to try. Cryotherapy – also known as Frotox – has finally launched in the UK after a year of research, but what is it and does it actually work? Studies have shown that clients undergoing the “Frotox” treatment, report fewer wrinkles and the big news is that Frotox in non-toxic. There is another advantage for Frotox over Botox though. Botox takes a […] Read More