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Med Spa Blog Connecticut

Another Gummy Bear Implant Approved

The FDA recently approved the use of the silicone “gummy bear” implant. The 410 implant by Allergan is an anatomically-shaped, textured, silicone cohesive gel implant that is much firmer than the previous silicone gel implants. To better understand what these are and how they differ from currently available options, let’s talk facts. First, the Gummy Bear Implants are simply silicone breast implants that are “semi-solid” and more highly cohesive than their predecessors. You can literally cut through the implant with a pair of scissors and the two halves will actually keep their shape. But because these implants are more cohesive, they are also firmer than previous implants and more likely […] Read More

computer face

Computer Face

Working at your computer for long hours may get the job done, but it may also be making you look a heck of a lot older. Plastic Surgeons have dubbed this syndrome, “Computer face.” Dr. Prager told the Daily Mail, “If you are one of the unfortunate people who frown or squint while they are concentrating at the screen then, over time, you will inevitably end up with frown lines.” “What is perhaps more surprising is the number of women with saggy jowls because they are sitting in one position for so long.” What was most alarmingly noted is that people in their 20’s are spending an increasingly number of […] Read More


Winter Skin Woes

The winter months are hard on most skin types. Want to maintain that summer glow year round? Here are a few tips to keep you and your skin happy! 1) Incorporate Plants Not into your decorating but into your diet! Green veggies like kale and spinach provide the necessary nutrients (e.g., protein, minerals and vitamins) to nurture and support skin health. 2) Avoid Excess Caffeine and Alcohol Alcohol turns to sugar in the body, and too much sugar can damage skin cells; while caffeine can result in skin inflammation. 3) Rejuvenate with Winter Laser Skin Resurfacing Laser skin resurfacing can treat a variety of skin imperfections including wrinkles, uneven skin […] Read More


Anti-Aging Gene Discovered

Humans have been on the hunt for the answers to aging, as evidenced by the popularity of Botox. Science has yet to discover the modern day fountain of youth, however a recent discovery of two anti-aging genes have been discovered. The protein(s) are known as SIRT6 and SIRT3. SIRT6 protein not only suppresses tumors (helps suppress cancer), it may also offer a protection against the development of obesity and help control our cellular metabolism. Researchers from Harvard Medical School and Michigan Health System conducted the study and also noted that without this protein tumors may increase in size, numbers and aggression. Cancers that may be most affected by the loss […] Read More

New Year New You..What's Hot for 2013

Hot Trends In Cosmetic Surgery For 2013

We have all heard the New Year New You mantra and often times embraced it. However, subtle changes in what is considered, “Hot”, “Trendy” or “In” differ slightly from year to year. The following is an outline of what are the most sought for Cosmetic Procedures in 2013. What’s Hot? Botulism Toxin Type A Botox is the number one non-invasive procedure by far, and that’s unlikely to change anytime soon. Botox is as synonymous with its main ingredient, botulism toxin type A, as Q-tips are to cotton swabs. That said, with products like Dysport and the relatively recent introduction of Xeomin on the market – both of which are derived […] Read More


Ditch your Razor by Using our Laser

The snow is falling, and you are bundled up to stay warm. Thoughts of daily shaving or regular waxing to look sleek for poolside seem like a long-lost memory. So it may seem that starting laser hair removal is the last thing on your mind. But, think again! We have 2013 Reasons to Ditch your Razor by Using Our Laser~ If smooth, carefree skin would make summer 2013 that much more enjoyable, this may be just the time to get laser hair removal started. Laser hair removal works by targeting and destroying hair follicles that are in their active growth phase. Since not all hair follicles work at the same […] Read More

fiszz_img-215x300Yolo Laser Center

FiSZZ Facial: An effervescent skin treatment with a bubbly personality

The Fiszz facial is the newest on the scene for red carpet celebrity facials. Also known as the Effervescence Facial, the Fiszz facial by iS, was first introduced to Hollywood celebrities during the award season. Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills exclusively gifted VIP guests attending the Grammy’s and the Academy Awards with iS skincare line by Innovative Skincare.This month will be adding the latest facial protocol offered by iS Clinical. This effective, yet luxurious facial is designed to provide you with immediate and lasting results using iS Clinical skin care products. The Champagne Fizz Facial is designed to smooth, brighten, and purify your skin while on a […] Read More

Loose The Muffin Top

Vaser Liposuction is an in office procedure performed by our Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. It is done wide awake with little -to no- downtime. Call and schedule your consultation. Read More

lip injections 1 day post

Get The Perfect Pout

Ahhh the season of kisses under the Mistletoe and the grand Kiss on New Year’s Eve when the clock strikes midnight. As the song goes, you better not pout, you better not cry and you shouldn’t unless of course you’re crying for the PERFECT POUT. Crazy overblown collagen-infused lips are out. Natural looking lush lips are in. Are you ashamed by your thin lips? Don’t be, can help anyone score a perfect Pin-up Pout in about 5 minutes. Our experienced experts achieve natural looking lush lips. Lips thin as we age and can make one look older, filling the lips can assist in decreasing those dreaded upper lip lines. An […] Read More