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Category Archives: Plastic Surgery

Hot Trends In Cosmetic Surgery For 2013

New Year New You..What's Hot for 2013
We have all heard the New Year New You mantra and often times embraced it. However, subtle changes in what is considered, “Hot”, “Trendy” or “In” differ slightly from year to year. The following is an outline of what are the most sought for Cosmetic Procedures in 2013. What’s Hot? Botulism Toxin Type A Botox is the number one non-invasive procedure by far, and that’s unlikely to change anytime soon. Botox is as synonymous with its main ingredient, botulism toxin type A, as Q-tips are to cotton swabs. That said, with products like Dysport and the relatively recent introduction of Xeomin on the market – both of which are derived […]

Loose The Muffin Top

Vaser Liposuction is an in office procedure performed by our Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. It is done wide awake with little -to no- downtime. Call and schedule your consultation.

Get The Perfect Pout

lip injections 1 day post
Ahhh the season of kisses under the Mistletoe and the grand Kiss on New Year’s Eve when the clock strikes midnight. As the song goes, you better not pout, you better not cry and you shouldn’t unless of course you’re crying for the PERFECT POUT. Crazy overblown collagen-infused lips are out. Natural looking lush lips are in. Are you ashamed by your thin lips? Don’t be, can help anyone score a perfect Pin-up Pout in about 5 minutes. Our experienced experts achieve natural looking lush lips. Lips thin as we age and can make one look older, filling the lips can assist in decreasing those dreaded upper lip lines. An […]

Brotox Infographic

What Supplements Should I Take Prior To A Cosmetic Procedure?

Th most common question we hear from patient’s is, “What supplements could I take prior to my cosmetic procedure?” For specific information regarding which medications and supplements should be discontinued our office will review that with you in depth. However, here is an informative video describing the benefits of VitaMedica supplements prior to Cosmetic procedures: VitaMedica video Between now and the year-end, many of you are scheduled for a surgical procedure. Recover faster by preparing for your upcoming procedure. VitaMedica’s Recovery Products are available at . One of our professionals would be happy to discuss which products may be appropriate to help you get back on your feet faster.

Cosmetic Enhancement Doesn’t Need To Be Expensive

These days, anti-aging cosmetic treatments don’t have to be extremely expensive. They don’t even require several days of recovery anymore. Recent advancements in technology have made procedures once considered elite available to everyone. The cosmetic industry has evolved to meet the needs of working Americans. There are now a variety of non-surgical cosmetic procedures that can take years off of your appearance without breaking your wallet. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) more than 12 million Americans elected non-surgical cosmetic enhancement just last year – up a whopping 123% from the year 2000. Check out some of the most popular (and affordable) procedures below: Minimize Fine Lines […]

Peel You Perfect

chemical peel new haven
With so many peels available, which is the best peel for you? Chemical Peels play an important role in maintaining your overall skin health. Peels when used properly can assist with cellular turnover, diminish fine lines and wrinkles. Although there are numerous peels that go by many different names, there are 3 main classifications which all peels fall under: superficial peels, medium and deep peels. At Yolo we offer all three types and determine what we use based on your concerns, budget and the level of “downtime”. It is our Philosophy, as well as the the philosophy of most top Plastic Surgeons, that deep chemical peels are outdated and unreliable. […]

Laser Hair Removal 101

Laser Hair Removal 101 Tired of constant shaving? Looking for hair removal alternatives? As laser hair removal experts servicing the New Haven area, we would like to share some of our knowledge to help you make an informed decision. Is it Safe? Laser hair removal is a safe and effective alternative. It is an FDA-approved process of permanent hair reduction that can safely be used on the face, as well as the body. Does it Hurt? Laser Hair Removal is not as painful as electrolysis and waxing. It’s often even less painful that those bothersome shaving nicks. Many describe the sensation like a mild pinch or sting. Pain medication and […]

Are Your Hands Giving Away Your Age?

It is said that “eyes are the window to our soul”, but are hands the clue to our actual age? The availibility of cosmetic enhancement procedures like Fraxel Restore or Mixto laser resurfacing, Botox and dermal fillers, it can be near impossible to guess someone’s age these days. However in many cases the hands say it all. So the next time you find yourself a little curious about someone’s age, look down and see what the hands have to say. If you really want to guess someone’s age, keep an eye out for the following signs of hand-related aging: Age (liver) spots – When most people think about sun damage, […]

Ditch your Razor by using our Laser